Sharing the Gospel to the Poor, Oppressed and Persecuted in South Asia

About GO Partner

GO Partner Ministries is committed to Share the Gospel to the Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu communities in South Asia by partnering and equipping the needy national pastors, evangelist, and ministries already led by faith in Jesus Christ to evangelize and establish ministries in the rural and hard to reach areas in their own country.

Our Work

Church Planting

Go Partner Ministries is helping equip new church plants in many of unreached and rural areas of Southeast Asia.

Bible Education

Teachers are working hard to provide free Bible education to the national leaders interested in sharing the word of God to their people in a Muslim country.


Our Heavenly Father is using our team in evangelism and discipleship ministries in Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist communities in Southeast Asia.

Caring for the weak

We are committed to serve our brothers and sisters in their deepest needs by providing food, free education, and safe housing to the persecuted and homeless.

Partner with us in Serving Christ in South Asia

Become Prayer Partner

You can become a prayer partner with your brothers and sisters in many of the unreached and rural areas in Southeast Asia. Sign up to receive our monthly prayer letter to stay informed of our ministries in Southeast Asia.

Get Involved

Click Give to give today and help us quip the new Ministries in Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist communities in Southeast Asia. Your partnership of financial support will help our church planting, evangelism and teaching ministries in South Asia.